
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2018-08-27     浏览次数:167




School of Foreign Languages Holds Student Cadres Training in Academic Year 2018-2019

In order to further enhance the sense of belonging of student cadres and strengthen the unity and cohesiveness of student organizations, on August 24th, School of Foreign Languages held a training session for student cadres at Room 238 in the Building of Liberal Arts.

First of all, departments of the Student Union reported the recent work, stating the work plan for this semester. Then, Ms. Song Ge, student counselor of the school, thanked the union members for their efforts in the work of the last semester, and also hoped that the students could continue to maintain their initial heart during the new semester and be responsible for their work. Ms. Song said that as a college student, everyone needs to constantly improve their learning ability and stimulate their enthusiasm for learning. While mastering a major, they are engaged in different fields and cultivate their talents. These activities form an important bridge and link between teachers and students. Everyone should demand themselves with stricter standards, strengthen service sense, earnestly complete work, and allocate work and study time. All departments must also cooperate with each other and strengthen exchanges.


The meeting was oriented by the ability foundation, which consolidated the construction of primary organization of students, so that the student cadres can clearly define the target direction and adjust their mentality in time to facilitate the development of future activities.       

(研究生李佳译 李康校)

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