意大利律师Giovanni Pisacane应邀来437必赢会员中心作法律英语学术报告

来源: 437必赢会员中心初良龙     发布时间:2018-09-14     浏览次数:533

913日,上海宏道商务咨询有限公司执行合伙人Giovanni Pisacane(乔瓦尼比萨康纳)律师,应邀来我院作了关于法律英语中contractagreementtreaty的学术报告。报告由437必赢会员中心院长郑众主持,全院教师和研究生参加。

Pisacane律师从日常生活的细节入手,引出讲座的主题。认为法律与我们的生活息息相关,吃饭、喝水、出行等日常活动都会直接或间接地签定法律意义上的contractagreement。讲座围绕三个法律术语contractagreementtreaty展开,通过英语词汇起源的追溯、分析,同时结合横向对比和纵向阐释,深入浅出地比较了它们的异同,并且运用大量的案例来帮助大家理解三者在法律上的本质涵义。Pisacane先生指出contractagreement的主要不同在于,当agreement 具有法律效力时,就成了contracttreaty是主权国家之间或国际组织之间签订的官方书面协议。Pisacane先生通过列举丰富的生活案例,使师生对三者的异同有了更直观和深入的理解。在问答环节,Pisacane先生与师生探讨了一些生活细节和国际热点问题,给出了中肯的建议和专业的解读,讲座在师生热烈的掌声中结束。


Academic Report of Legal English Made by Italian Lawyer Giovanni Pisacane

On September 13th, the lawyer Giovanni Pisacane, executive partner of Shanghai Hongdao Business Consulting Co. Ltd., was invited to our institute to give an academic report on “contract, agreement and treaty in legal English”. The report was hosted by Zheng Zhong, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, and attended by all teachers and graduate students.

Pisacane started the topic of the lecture through the details of everyday life. He believed that the law is closely related to our lives. Daily activities such as eating, drinking, and traveling will directly or indirectly sign a contract or agreement in the legal sense. The lecture revolved around three legal terms contract, agreement and treaty. Through the traceability and analysis of the origin of English vocabulary, and combined with horizontal contrast and vertical interpretation, they compared their similarities and differences in a simple way, and used a large number of cases to help everyone understand the essential meaning of the three terms in the law. Mr. Pisacane pointed out that the main difference between contract and agreement is that when the agreement has legal effect, it becomes a contract. Treaty is an official written agreement between sovereign states or international organizations. Mr. Pisacane gave a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the similarities and differences among the three to teachers and students by enumerating a wealth of life cases. In the Q&A session, Mr. Pisacane discussed some life details and international hot issues with teachers and students, and gave pertinent suggestions and professional interpretations. The lecture ended in the warm applause of teachers and students.

After the academic lectures, Pisacane believed that the teaching of legal English should be more practical and targeted. Postgraduate students should focus more on the translation practice of Chinese law and prepare for employment. Undergraduate students should focus on the basics and interest, thus providing possibilities for future systematic learning. These suggestions have important guiding significance for the curriculum and syllabus of legal English in School of Foreign Languages.

研究生 朱佳艳 杨阳 校)

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