
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2018-09-14     浏览次数:195




A Training Session for the Business Employment Service Team

On September 13th, in order to strengthen the service ability of the business employment service team of School of Foreign Languages and build a strong and cohesive team, a training session for the team held by School of Foreign Languages was convened at the Art Building 222. The keynote speaker of this training session was Chen Huiyi, a teacher from School of Foreign Languages, and all members of the team attended this training session.

At this training session, unit heads of the team first summarized the recent work. Secondly, each group heads put forward their own work ideas. Then, Mr. Chen corrected the problems in the service team's work and proposed solutions. He stressed that every member should strengthen communication, sum up the gains and losses, continue to learn and improve work ability and team cohesion. In addition, everyone need to improve innovation, advancement, and attention to work details.

Through this training session, the staff of the team became more aware of their working methods. The team members will understand the main idea of this training session and will continue to innovate and build a more powerful business employment service team of School of Foreign.

研究生 杨阳 朱佳艳 校)

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