为贯彻落实BWIN必赢官网“1236”攀登计划,帮助同学们拓宽国际化视野,增强对其他国家文化的兴趣,437必赢会员中心与国际交流协会特于9月19日晚在文科楼522举办此次留学导航活动。本次活动特邀芬兰留学生Kiki,Kati Nieminen 担任主讲嘉宾,437必赢会员中心部分有意向的同学参加了此次活动。
首先,主持人进行现场致辞,对国际交流协会进行了简单的介绍,让更多的同学了解到留学项目和相关准备事宜。然后,芬兰留学生Kiki,Kati Nieminen通过PPT向同学们介绍了一些关于芬兰文化的内容,并回答了同学们针对PPT所提出的问题。接着,留学生现场向同学们教学俄语。最后,大家就自己感兴趣的问题与留学生进行探讨并合影留念。
The School of Foreign Languages Held the 32nd Study Abroad Guidance Event in the Fifth Week
School of Foreign Language and Students’ International Communication Association(SICA) held an event named by Study Abroad Guidance in room no.522, Arts Building, in the evening of September 9th. It is for implementing the 1236 Climbing Plan in QiLu University of Technology and helping students broaden international horizon. Kiki and Kati Nieminen, two Finnish students, and Anita from Russia, they gave two presentations of their own country, a number of students who are willing to study abroad attended the activity.
At the beginning, Tengfei Liu, the chief of SICA, made a brief introduction of Students’ International Communication Association and exchange programs supported by International Office of our university , which aiming to let more students learn about the details of studying abroad programs and the related preparations. After that, two Finnish Students, Kiki and Kati Nieminen made a introduction of Finland to audience by PPT, and answered students’ questions. Besides, the Russian student, Anita taught students the pronunciation of Russian letters. In the end, speakers and audience took group photos for good memory.
This event provides a good English learning platform, which could help students increase the understanding about foreign culture and customs, and encourage students to form a western thinking. It is of great significance for the students and our Foreign Language School.
(研究生 刘腾飞译 王瑞校)