
来源: 437必赢会员中心初良龙     发布时间:2018-10-15     浏览次数:764




Interpretation and Translation Expert Zheng Jiaxin Was Invited to Our School for Academic Report


On the afternoon of October 11, Zheng Jiaxin, who has rich experience in translation and interpretation, was invited to our school to give an academic lecture entitled “How to be a top translator”. The lecture was hosted by Zheng Zhong, Dean of School of Foreign Languages, and all teachers and postgraduate students attended the lecture.


First of all, Zheng shared his experience in the translation career, including how he became a professional translator and interpretor from a science student. He gave some of his own methods in English learning and summed up his views on the translation with one sentence: The road to translation is endless. Next, Zheng talked about the past situation of translation, the current supply and demand relationship of the translation market and the its future trend. In addition, Zheng discussed the relationship between translation and interpretation. Although there are obvious differences between translation and interpretation, they complement and promote mutually. Based on his rich translation experience, Zheng proposed that the translation standards include not only the integrity and accuracy of the original information, but also the faithfulness to oringinal style and format. He also suggested that interpretation not only requires interpretors to express with accuracy, completeness, fluency and clearness, but also to convey the speaker's tone and feelings. Zheng also emphasized the normalization of translation and interpreters' psychological quality. Zheng introduced three parties of the translation industry: translators, intermediaries and customers, talked about how translators interact with intermediaries and customers, and answered some frequently asked questions. He also suggested that translators should make a reasonable plan for their expertise, accumulate bilingual skills over years, bear preciseness and confidentiality of translation in mind. Finally, Zheng talked about the impact of artificial intelligence and the Belt and Road Initiative on the translation industry. He believed that machine translation will not replace human translation and the Belt and Road Initiative will also bring more opportunities for translation industry.


Zheng's rich experience truly inspired many teachers and graduate students. He gave the profound lecture in an accessible way, which is instructive for translation teaching and research. The graduate students who are about to enter the translation industry  also get a better understanding and thus they can make a clear plan for their translation career.

研究生 闫娟   张乃文 校)

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