
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2018-12-07     浏览次数:266




Our teacher won the third prize in the national final of the national foreign language teaching contest

On December 2nd, the national final of the 9th SFLEP National Foreign Language Teaching Contest ended successfully at Shanghai International Studies University. Meng Hua, a teacher of the department of translation in School of Foreign Languages, won the third prize of the translation group, achieving a new breakthrough in the teaching competition of our school.

The competition wafor English majors, consisting of such three groups as English, business English and translation. 75 winners from 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country gathered in Shanghai to competteaching skills and show their elegant demeanors on the national stage for the highest award for foreign language teaching in Chinese universities. The competition of the translation group adopted the form that the contestants submitted personal teaching videos firstly, and the organizing committee organized the preliminary evaluation as well as re-evaluation by the expert evaluation committee and online voting. After six months of rigorous selection, 16 contestants were finally selected from the videos of nearly 100 university contestants from all over the country to enter the national final, and teacher Meng Hua was among them.

 In recent years, teachers from School of Foreign Languages have participated in teaching competitions actively and achieved good results frequently. The school has always attached importance to teaching competitions and communications and discussions among teachers, and will continue to encourage teachers to concentrate on teaching and constantly improve their teaching level in the future.

                                        张慧敏译 代雨校

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