
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2018-12-21     浏览次数:510

12月20日,437必赢会员中心客座教授姜文英老师(澳大利亚昆士兰大学教授),应邀为我院师生做了题为任务型及评估驱动型语言教学(Task-based and assessment-driven language teaching)专题讲座,讲座由437必赢会员中心副院长杨辉教授主持,全体教师和翻译硕士研究生参加。




Jiang Wenying, our visiting professor, gave a special lecture to teachers and students on invitation

On December 20, Jiang Wenying, a visiting professor at the school of foreign languages (a professor at university of Queensland, Australia) gave a special lecture on task-based and assessment-driven language teaching to teachers and students on invitation. The lecture was presided over by professor Yang Hui, the vice president of school of foreign languagesand faculty and graduate students of MTI attended it.

Firstly, Miss Jiang introduced that TBLT is the most effective way to manage classroom learning, whose core task is to communicate in target language. She believed that teachers must put forward certain standards while assigning tasks to students in classes, and students must give feedback after completing tasks.

Then Miss Jiang constantly communicated teaching issues with all the teachers and students. She put forward that teaching should go beyond the teaching material, and curriculum design should be aimed at satisfying students, and achieving better teaching results. She also encouraged teachers to seriously record, improve, and summarize the teaching process, and dare to study. She called for teachers should be liberated from a lot of classes and pay more attention to curriculum design, when giving tasks to students to improve students enthusiasm. All these enable teachers and students to have a deep understanding on TBLT.

Finally, Miss Jiang suggested that we should innovative evaluation methods to improve students' learning ability for the teaching situation is a dynamic process, and the final evaluation standard of students' learning determines the learning methods. These suggestions are of great guiding significance in classroom design and course tasks of foreign language teaching.

                                                      汪童译 李西宁校

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