
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2018-12-25     浏览次数:218




School of foreign languages held

an oath ceremony and Party courses education for probationary Party members

On December 24th, school of foreign languages held an oath ceremony and party courses education for probationary Party members in Room 222 of Wenke Building. Chen Guoxing, Secretary of Party General Branch of the school, and Zheng Zhong, dean of the school, were invited to deliver speeches. Qi Yan, Vice Secretary of Party General Branch, the staffs of the school and all the probationary Party members participated in the activity. The activity was hosted by Qi Yan.

The ceremony kicked off with the solemn Internationale. After reading the resolution of the party committee by Chen Huiyi, the whole party faced the party flag and held the right hand for a solemn oath under the leadership of the probationary Party member, Liu Tengfei. Liu Kai, the representative of the probationary Party members, shared his thought transformation process from a league member to a probationary Party member. He said that being able to join the Chinese Communist Party is the recognition and trust of the Party. Later, all the Party members watched the best drama series Hongse Qizhi of the 14th National Party member educational Television.

After the ceremony, Chen Guoxing, Secretary of Party General Branch, and Zheng Zhong, dean of the school, gave lively Party lectures to the probationary Party members. Party Secretary Chen told stories of the great scientist--- Guo Yonghuai, from the aspects of his characters, his wife Li Pei, evaluations by others, and commemorations by later generations. He hoped that all the probationary Party members would have rigorous academic attitudes of scientists, the diligent work spirits, as well as the patriotic feelings. With the theme of 40 years of gathering on teaching, President Zheng analyzed the great changes of education, the reforms and improvements during the magnificent periods of 40 years, so that the probationary members would realize that only by remaining true to our original aspirations, keeping our missions firmly in mind, upholding the Partys leadership, adhering to the reform and opening-up, taking the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, can we realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


                                               代雨译  张慧敏校

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