
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-01-09     浏览次数:316



School of Foreign Languages held 2018 annual meeting of democratic life

On the afternoon of January 8, 2019, the 2018 annual meeting of democratic life was held in room 222, art building by the School of Foreign Languages. The university discipline inspection commission Zou wenguo attended the meeting as the supervisor. The meeting was presided over by Chen Guoxing, secretary of the general party branch of the School of Foreign Languages, and members of the general party branch team of the School of Foreign Languages attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Secretary Chen Guoxing firstly introduced the preparation of the leading group's democratic life and the relevant requirements of the democratic life meeting and summarized the rectification of the problems revealed in the 2017 democratic life meeting. Then, on behalf of the leadership team, Secretary Chen made a comparative inspection and took the lead in self-analysis. Besides, other team members made individual check statements one by one, focusing on analyzing the problems caused by ideology and politics, mental state, work style and so on, and ensuring the direction of future efforts and corrective measures. In the end, Zou Wenguo made a profound comment on the democratic life and put forward further requirements on behalf of the party committee of the university.


刘冉译  潘松校

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