【中国教育在线】【新浪网】【大众网】437必赢会员中心举办“大手牵小手 讲好雷锋故事 传承成德精神”主题活动

来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-03-06     浏览次数:237




An event on the theme of “holding hands with small hands, telling Lei Feng’s story well and inheriting the spirit of virtue” was held by School of Foreign Languages

On 5 March, on the occasion of the arrival of the National Day for the study of Lei Feng spirit, the School of Foreign Languages of Qi Lu University of Technology held an event on the theme of “holding hands with small hands, telling Lei Feng’s story well and inheriting the spirit of virtue”. By this way, the college students could get close to Lei Feng’s comrade, Liu Chengde, the winner of the National Moral Model Nomination Award, a moral model and warm-hearted man in Shandong Province. They could also realize the moving connotation of Lei Feng’s spirit and get a deep understanding of Liu Chengde’s persistence in inheriting Lei Feng’s spirit for several decades. As the representatives of teachers and students in Ping’an Primary School in Changqing District, Liu Chengde’s son Liu An and granddaughter Liu Rui participated in this event. Besides, the representatives of the teachers and students of the School of Foreign Languages also participated.


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