
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-03-11     浏览次数:261




School of Foreign Languages holds a seminar on the construction of

academic atmosphere

Recently, School of Foreign Languages held a seminar to further strengthen academic atmosphere of our school in Room 222 of Wenke Building, and party and government leaders of the college, directors of all departments, representatives of professional teachers and academic staff attended it.

At the meeting, attendees focused on class effect, performance analysis, class participation, and communicated about class atmosphere, learning attitude, and daily management. Combining with their own work experience, all the people shared their practices and discussed them in depth, and put forward suggestions on improving the construction of academic atmosphere.

The seminar emphasize the importance of the academic atmosphere construction, lays a foundation for the construction of academic atmosphere, and further improves the quality of personnel training in our school.

                                  汪童译 李西宁校

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