
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-03-25     浏览次数:165




Our school holds the class of 2018 alumni forum 

On March 23,Our school held the 2018 alumni forum at the theatre 402 of No. 2 Public Education Building. Party and government leaders, some professional teachers, Youth League teachers and alumni of the class of 2018 of foreign languages attended this forum. Qi Yan, deputy secretary of the general party branch, presided over this forum.

In the forum, Qi Yan, deputy secretary, delivered the welcome speech and extended a warm welcome to the alumni on behalf of the college. Wang Guodong, the deputy dean of our school asked about the recent situation of alumni and alumni shared their recent work status and recalled the memory that their study and life in Alma Mater. Next, Zheng Zhong, the dean of our school, encouraged alumni to be surefooted, stay true to the mission and hone themselves constantly by the Guan Zhong’s word that there is nothing more appropriate to plant corn for a years plan cultivate fruits for a decades plan and cultivate talents for a hundred years plan. And he also pointed that alumni are an important part of the development of the school and the college. The school cultivated students and made they become successful and students made the school more colorful. He hoped all alumni can continue to care about and support the development of the school and continuously inject fresh blood into the Alma Mater. Then Yang Ming, a teacher of English department, explained the alumni questionnaire in detail and instructed the class of 2018 to fill it out carefully. At last, Qi Yan, deputy secretary of the general party branch, made a concluding speech to express her good wishes for the class of 2018 alumni and expectation for school of foreign languages.

李西宁译 汪童校

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