
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-03-28     浏览次数:119


在主持人的带领下,大家共同赏析了英文美文Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,并对其中的语法进行了解读。随后,同学们共同朗读了He gives his harness bells a shake.To ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound’s the sweep.Of easy wind and downy flake.”等著名语句,并且做好了随堂笔记,主持人详细的给我们讲述了这首诗的格律和押韵,与同学们一同品味人生道路漫长,前方还有遥远的路途要赶,还有许下的种种承诺要履行人总要走完这一生,才能去安心去享受那静谧的良夜美景。赏析结束后,同学们分组交流了学习经验,大家一起进行了英语TPR全身动作反应训练和看口型猜单词游戏,氛围十分融洽

Activity of 93rd foreign language corner was held by school of foreign languages

In order to improve students' ability of reading English and stimulate their enthusiasm for English learning, thus to enlarge the accumulation of English vocabulary, recently, the activity of 93rd Foreign Language Corner was held at the foreign language corner in our university. Freshmen majoring in translation participated in the activity which was presided over by Yu Haihan, the monitor of  Class 1.

Under the guide of the host, everybody appreciated the English poet Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, and interpreted the grammar in it. Then, they read some famous sentences together such as “He gives his harness bells a shake. To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep. Of easy wind and downy flake.” Notes were also written down. The host gave classmates a detailed account of the rules and rhyme of the poem and tasted the emotion in it with them. The poem tells us that life is a long journey with various promises to fulfill. Man can’t be relieved to enjoy the quiet scenery at the night until he has finished what he should do. After the appreciation, students shared their learning experience in groups. They also conducted the training of Total Physical Response (TPR) and did word guessing games. The atmosphere there was very harmonious.

                                              顾凤珍译  黄蕾校

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