
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-04-28     浏览次数:134




School of Foreign Languages holds the seminar on postgraduate entrance exams in the ninth week

On April 26th, School of Foreign Languages held the seminar on postgraduate entrance exams in the Room222 of Wenke Building, to implement the 1236 climbing program in our school, increase the understanding of students on postgraduate entrance exams, help the students solve problems on postgraduate entrance exams better. The seminar invited Hu Fengting and Zhao Nannan of English major in 2015 as speakers, and students willing to take exams attended it.

First of all, the two speakers introduced their own experience of postgraduate entrance exams to students, and reminded the students of some matters needing attention when participate in exams. Then, they recommended some learning materials for exams to the students, and shared some skills about the interview. Later, the students actively put forward questions to the two speakers, and the two patiently explained to the students. Finally, two speakers left their contact way to help more students.

Success of the seminar is beneficial to deepen students’ understanding of postgraduate entrance exams on directions and learning materials, and has positive significance of reducing the distance between the students and postgraduate entrance exams.

汪童译 李西宁校

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