
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-04-30     浏览次数:205


大赛以一支燃爆全场的开场舞正式拉开帷幕,15位来自不同学院的选手为大家带来了英、日、韩等多种语种的外文歌曲。来自437必赢会员中心的王一淏同学用华丽的声线,饱含深情地演唱了一曲《when you are gone》悠扬婉转,余音不绝。艺术学院的吴雨思同学完美演绎了一曲《竹の歌使全场观众沉浸其中,意犹未尽。电气学院男生组合带来的Night changes》旋律感强更是将比赛推向了高潮。



School of foreign languages held the foreign language song contest --Carry forward the May 4th Grace and Sing the Youth Spirit

     To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and promote the theme of youth and patriotism, we light up the dream with musical notes to compose the future with youth. On the evening of April 29th, the foreign language song contest was held in the library lecture hall. The judges, including professional teachers and teachers' representatives from each school, and more than 200 students from the whole school participated.

       The contest kicked off with an enthusiastic opening dance, and 15 contestants from different schools sang songs in English, Japanese, Korean and other foreign languages. Wang Yihao, a student from the School of Foreign Languages, sang the song -- When you are gone in his beautiful voice. Wu Yusi, a student from the School of Art, sang the song The Songs of The Bamboo and the audience enjoyed themselves. The strong melodic sense of Night changesbroughtby the boyband of electrical college pushed the contest to the climax.

        After fierce competition, Wu Zheng from the School of Finance and Zhang Jixin from the School of Foreign Languages won the foreign language song contest. Wu Yusi and Song Yishuang from the School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering won the second prize of this competition. Eight students from the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation won the third prize. Niu Jiaying from the School of Management and other students won the best talent award.

     Taking the opportunity of the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement as a tribute, this competition will sing the songs of youth in foreign languages to inspire and guide college students to gather positive energy of youth and set lofty goals, sing the beautiful future with struggling youth and practice the core socialist values.


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