
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-05     浏览次数:268




The fifteenth innovation forum was held in school of foreign languages

On the afternoon of 25th April, the Fifteenth Innovation Forum was held by school of foreign languages in Room 205 in Liberal Arts Building. The topic of the activity was Comparisons of dormitory conditions in the universities between Chinese and UK . Jin Kai, a foreign teacher in our college, acted as a guide along with a freshman in Class 1 majoring in translating Zhao Jingfei being a speaker. All freshmen participated with great enthusiasm.

At the beginning, Zhao Jingfei showed us the pictures of the types of dormitories in British universities, and introduced in detail the characteristics of several kinds of dormitories as well as the public recreational facilities in the dormitory buildings in British universities. All kinds of facilities were available for students to use in their spare time. After comparing the accommodation conditions between Chinese and British universities, Zhao Jingfei told us what she had done in her trip in Britain such as visiting the British Museum, the castle where the Queen lives, the Tower Bridge, attending classes and tasting local delicacies. Having heard the story of Zhao Jingfei, everyone present had a deeper understanding of Britain, which also stimulated the their interest in continuing to know more. Then, Jin Kai described her interesting experience in the United States to the students. At last, students had a heated discussion on the experience and knowledge that they had learned, and expressed their expectations and aspirations for foreign travel studies.   

This activity enabled students to have a fundamental understanding of the overall situation in Chinese and British universities and fully stimulated students' enthusiasm in learning foreign languages. It also helped students to better understand the cultural differences between Chinese and British and establish new goals for their future.

顾凤珍译 黄蕾校

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