
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-09     浏览次数:120




Volunteers of our school went to Ping’an primary school to carry out the fifth round of teaching activity

In order to carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture and guide our students to be volunteers in their youth, the volunteers of our school came to Ping 'an primary school once again on May 8 to carry out the fifth round of volunteer teaching activities, which can cultivate their spirit of contribution to the new era and encourage them to consciously practice the core socialist values.

The volunteers have established a profound friendship with students in Ping’an primary school during the early voluntary activities, and at the same time, the volunteers mastered the rhythm and atmosphere of class very well. This volunteer teaching team was divided into two groups, one of which taught students writing calligraphy with the purpose of cultivating a good habit of normative writing and the correct writing order. Another group taught students cross-stitch that needs patience, which aims to learn to be patient to solve problems in their study and life in the future.

This activity let the primary school students appreciate the excellent Chinese traditional culture -- the beauty of Chinese characters and the embroidery method of cross stitch and also inspired the enthusiasm of students in our school to actively participate in volunteer service and strive to be the struggling generation in the new era.


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