
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-15     浏览次数:152




Qilu University of Technology held a 2019 foreign language class recruitment fair

  In order to help students better implement employment units, help employers to establish a good corporate image, and provide a high-quality and efficient recruitment service platform, on May 14th, hosted by the Student Affairs Office, the Foreign Languages Institute hosted a 2019 foreign language special recruitment meeting in the library. The second floor was held, with nearly 50 household units and more than 400 graduates. Shao Feng, deputy director of the Student Affairs Department, and the head of the School of Foreign Languages went to the site to guide the work and communicate with the graduates.

  This recruitment fair set up a negotiation area, and introduced the company's general situation, development direction and talent demand information through poster display and brochure promotion. It provided 160 positions including consultants, preschool teachers, network marketing staff and personnel commissioners. The students have submitted more than 350 resumes. During the period, the “Graduate Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire” was issued to the employer to listen to valuable opinions and improve the level of schooling and the quality of recruitment. The job fair also attracted some lower-level students to participate in the job situation and prepare for employment in the future.

  It is reported that the event has added a corporate presentation session to provide detailed answers to the graduates' understanding of corporate culture, development history, job development space, and employment benefits.

陈菲译 黄传燕校

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