
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-16     浏览次数:120




Volunteers of our school went to Pingan Primary School to carry out the sixth round of teaching activity

In order to practice the socialist core values and carry forward the voluntary spirit of students, our school's volunteer teaching team came to Pingan primary school in Changqing district to start the sixth round of teaching activity on May 15.

At the beginning of the activity, the volunteer members were arranged to different classes and taught at the same time. The voluntary teaching members in the calligraphy class taught the children basic calligraphy skills in order help the children develop good and correct writing habits at an early age.Volunteers in the Japanese major taught simple communicative Japanese so that students could not only learn knowledge but also appreciate the daily culture of another country.In addition, volunteers also taught students to sing English songs and led them to learn English in an interesting way. Therefore, language learning is no longer boring. In spite of the hot weather, the children were still enthusiastic about learning, and actively asked questions and fully interacted with the volunteers. The learning atmosphere is very strong.

In this teaching activity, both the teaching members and the students of Pingan primary school learned a lot of knowledge. In addition to exercising teaching ability, volunteers continuously improved their experience and quality through a series of volunteer teaching activities, which deepened college students' commitment to social responsibility.


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