
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-17     浏览次数:113




The Sixteenth Innovation Forum Was Successfully Held By School Of Foreign Languages

On the afternoon of 16th May, the sixteenth Innovation Forum was held by school of foreign languages in Room 205 in Liberal Arts Building with the topic of Comparisons of students' work in the universities between Chinese and British culture. Zhang Xinyu, a 2017-grade student of Class 4 majoring in English, was a major speaker, and Jin Kai, a foreign teacher in our college, acting as a guide as well as more than 10 students participating with great enthusiasm.

In the beginning, Zhang Xinyu introduced the University of Huddersfield in Britain to make students have a primary understanding of that through the school's landmark buildings, achievements and some excellent colleges. Then she through pictures and texts vividly demonstrated to the students the comparisons, such as the organizational structures, the activities of the Huddersfield's Society, and the functions of the Student Union, and etc. In addition, she also introduced the scholarship setting, dormitory management and cultural traditions of the school, for which students have a deeper understanding of Huddersfield. During this process, Mr. Jing asked some questions were asked by Mr. Jing who also told the students about his interesting experience of traveling in the United States. The students had a heated discussion based on the learned experience and information and expressed their expectation and yearning for traveling abroad.

This forum enabled the students to have a certain understanding of the strong campus culture, such as creative employment and equality culture advocated by Huddersfield in England, the students' works and the cultural differences between China and the British, which stimulated the students' enthusiasm of the students to learning and add new goals to the future study and plans.


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