英国哈德斯菲尔德大学Attila Szabo博士应邀来我院做专题讲座

来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-05-29     浏览次数:201

5月28日上午,英国哈德斯菲尔德大学Attila Szabo博士应邀为我院翻译硕士专业学位硕士研究生作了主题为Critical mind”的专题讲座,2018级英语笔译专业研究生参加。

讲座伊始, Attila博士与研究生同学们一同进行了单词拼写游戏。随后,他结合英语教学法中的普利茅斯模型,从“Describe”, “Analyse”, “Evaluate”等三个方面带领大家学习了如何构建论文框架以及如何在论文写作过程中发现问题与解决问题。最后,Attila博士要求研究生同学们应在日常学习过程中随时保持批判精神,遇到问题要勤思考、多提问,并能从各个角度寻找解决问题的方法。


Dr. Attila Szabo from Huddersfield University was invited to give a special lecture

On the morning of May 28, Dr. Attila Szabo from the university of Huddersfield in the UK was invited to give a lecture entitled Critical mind to the postgraduate students of the professional degree of master of translation and interpreting in our school, and the postgraduate students of English translation and interpreting in grade 2018 participated in the lecture.

At the beginning of the lecture, Dr. Attila played a spelling game with his graduate students. Afterwards, he guided us to learn how to build a framework of a thesis and how to find and solve problems in the process of writing a thesis in combination with the Plymouth model of English teaching method, including Describe, analyze and Evaluate. Finally, Dr. Attila asked graduate students to maintain a critical spirit during their daily study, to think and ask questions frequently when encountering problems, and to find solutions from all angles.

Based on the Plymouth model and based on interesting games and rich interaction, Dr. Attila's lecture fully explained the relationship between English learning and thinking, which not only left a deep impression on the students present, but also provided a great help for the future graduate students' thesis writing and independent study.


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