
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-06-09     浏览次数:288




School of Foreign Language staff team visited party members' dormitory and party member activity center


In order to enhance the party style construction of the School of Foreign Languages and to understand the daily life of the students, the School of Foreign Languages counselor Liu Fang visited the student apartment building No. 9 on the afternoon of May 30. The secretary of the Youth League Committee, Sun Liqin, came to the students on the afternoon of May 31. The 9th and 13th buildings of the apartment were visited. Both teachers posted bedside stickers and party members' dormitory stickers for student party members.

First of all, Teacher Sun Liqin visited the student party members of the 13th floor of the student apartment and the dormitory of the 18th grade students. Mr. Sun was warmly welcomed by the students and gave careful guidance on the condition of the dormitory. Teacher Sun came to the party members' dormitory of 304, 317, 324, 601 and had a cordial conversation with the students in the dormitory. They asked the students in the dormitory about the installation of the air conditioner in the dormitory and the utilization of the dormitory space. During the conversation, the hostels with relatively poor sanitation were slightly encouraged and praised for the excellent health hostels. Then, Teacher Sun patiently posted the student party members' bed stickers and the party members' dormitory cards for the students. Later, Mr. Sun came to the party member activity center of Building No. 9, and carefully reviewed the study room, Lei Feng activity room, party member activity room, and physical room. In the process, Mr. Sun also talked about the repair and improvement work of the Party Member Activity Center, and actively provided a good environment and atmosphere for the party building work of the college.

The student team's visit to the dormitory brought the distance between the students and the teacher, so that the teachers could understand the life of the students in detail. During the visit, Sun Liqin and Liu Fang both expressed their expectations for the student party members and the work requirements for the party style construction. The students should work hard in the future work and always maintain the spirit of hard work. The problem will be reflected in time, and the teachers will implement the questions raised by the students as soon as possible. In the future work, they will work hard to improve the party style construction and other work of the School of Foreign Languages and promote the further development of the party building work of the college.





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