
来源: 437必赢会员中心     发布时间:2019-06-09     浏览次数:124




School of foreign languages successfully held a Tug-of-war activity of graduates

Time is fleeting, and June is coming, so is the season of parting. In order to leave graduates with unique and beautiful campus memories, the school of foreign languages held a tug-of-war competition on the south side of the library on June 3, 2019. The graduates took the class as a unit to take part in the activity.

At about 9 am, the graduates, participating in the activity, gathered in the south side of the library with vigor and confidence and were eager to try their best to get good grades. Before long, the activity began on time, with the red rope in the middle of the rope and the horizontal line on the ground as the benchmark. Accompanied by a command, the intense competition began. The Red rope shuttled back and forth on both sides, all of the students tried their best. With the shouting and cheer of the surrounding students, the winner appeared. Cheers, announcing the joy of victory, the sigh sound, showing the unwilling of losers.With the principle of friendship first, competition second, the graduates were friendly enough to put an end to the competition.

This tug-of-war competition, making senior graduates feel relieved of the atmosphere of the campus, and adding some happiness to the upcoming separation, I believe that this activity will leave graduates with unforgettable experience and memories, reminding them to stay humble and cooperative, and laying a good foundation for the future development.





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