
来源: 437必赢会员中心韩炜     发布时间:2022-12-13     浏览次数:10


Human’s curiosity for the sky has a long history. For the Chinese nation, the dream of traveling in the universe is rooted in our bones. China has the traditional myth of Chang'e Flying to the Moon, as well as the practice of Wan Hu daring to explore in the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that for thousands of years, countless Chinese people have been full of wonderful imagination of the vast sky, and have also been trying to find ways to fly in the universe.


Until entering the modern society, the long-held dream was finally realized by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. In order to achieve the dream, the Chinese people had made tremendous efforts. China's space industry was established on the basis of the poor economy circumstance and the country in need of rejuvenation after the founding of People’s Republic of China.


In the face of the strict blockade of foreign countries, researchers didn't have any data, even satellite samples. The basic scientific research conditions were not available. The hand computer became the scientists’ only tool. It was in the difficult environment that the Chinese began our own exploration.

在无数的失败和挫折之后,一代代航天人经过艰苦奋斗,克服重重困难,走出了一条适合我国国情的发展道路。2003年10月,中国自主研制的“ 神舟”五号载人飞船把新中国首位航天员成功送入浩瀚太空并安全返回,标志着中国首次载人航天飞行取得圆满成功,实现了中华民族的飞天梦想。此后,中国载人航天工程取得了连战连捷的辉煌战绩。而如今,中国在宇宙中已经拥有了属于自己的空间站,中国空间技术发展跨入了国际先进行列。

After numerous failures and setbacks, A tremendous amount of scientists have worked hard to overcome difficulties and found a development path suitable for our national conditions. In October 2003, the Shenzhou-5 manned spaceship developed independently by China sent the first Chinese astronaut into space. The Chinese nation's dream of manned space flight had come true. After that, China's manned space program had made brilliant achievements in succession, Today, China has its own space station in the universe, which signified that China's space technology has matched the achievements of the most advanced countries.


In the course of development, Chinese scientists working in this field have mad unremitting efforts in self-improvement, tenacious struggle, unity and cooperation, and pioneering and innovative work to solve critical problems and achieve successes. They have also forged the spirit of manned spaceflight which is particularly capable of bearing hardships, fighting, tackling key problems, and devoting themselves.


Looking back at the time when China officially entered the space station era, we can't help but find that it is the spirit of manned space flight that has lifted the national dignity and pride of the Chinese. This spirit has also become a valuable treasure of the national spirit, encouraging the Chinese people to stay true to our original aspiration and continue to forge ahead.


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